DEUTSCHE WELLE 2022 - Monument rescue work of young Spanish architects in rural Spain)
cultural project
Manuel José Doyagüe and José María Reynoso
research and performance of works by Spanish composers
National Pinchos and Tapas Competition City of Valladolid - 2021
Frugal c. his short film script won the SEMINCI Factory prize at the Valladolid International Film Week in 2021.
Directed by Juan Vicente Chuliá, the genre-bending work presents the pitfalls of the social integration of foreigners from the point of view of a Russian immigrant. Alba Frechilla plays the main role in the film produced by Es.Arte.
In May 2021, I had the honor of making the feature film of the work. I was able to spend unforgettable days with the staff. I am proud to have been able to strengthen the work of a team that has always been characterized by professional dedication and professionalism.
Together with the feature film, the work was presented at the 66th Valladolid International Film Week (SEMINCI).


In 2021, I started a new photo project, which aims to present the Valladolid settlement and popular summer resort Viana de Cega. My goal is to create a quality publication whose photos and descriptions encourage the visitor to get to know the place and which can be given as a gift to friends and official delegations.
Viana de Cega is an atypical Valladolid village that has developed over the past decades into an attractive settlement ideal for all generations. Viana is one of the few Castilian villages that were able to increase the number of their inhabitants despite the negative demographic processes of the region. The favorable location of the village is primarily due to its pristine environment, excellent infrastructure, wide range of services available locally and its proximity to the capital.
©Valladolid c. book was the result of more than three years of work. The publication of the book was an important milestone for me, with which I hope to contribute in my own humble way to enhancing Valladolid's reputation.
As a journalist, for me the city - as a living fabric made up of cultural and social traditions, the built environment, and natural features - is an eternal and exciting topic. I still remember that unusually warm and sunny February afternoon when, walking through the streets of Valladolid, I first saw Fabio Nelli's Renaissance palace, the interior of the San Benito church, the Plaza Mayor complex and the ornate apartment buildings of Acera de Recolatos. It was already on that day that I decided to start a project that aims to present local values. I wanted to get to know Valladolid and its surroundings, so I not only visited the local museums, but also visited the emblematic places of the city, and tried to get to know the personal stories and traditions of the locals. In the course of my work, I took more than ten thousand photos, from which I selected about eight hundred shots for my book.
The book presents about 40 iconic places, public buildings, museums, churches and monasteries, parks, squares, public sculptures, which help the reader to understand the history and character of the place. I chose a well-known Spanish proverb as the motto of my book, according to which: "If you want to know history, you must know Valladolid." (Si de historia quieres saber, Valladolid debes conocer.)
When editing the book, it was important to me that in addition to the city's most important monuments and historical traditions, such as the spectacular series of events of Easter Week, the city's present and contemporary architecture should also play a role.
Since the book is basically a visual work, I tried to attach concise, informative descriptions to the pictures. In this work, I consulted several times with Paz Altés Melgar, for whose help I would like to express my gratitude.
In my opinion, a city cannot be understood without its immediate surroundings, so I considered it important that the book should include a chapter of some well-known surrounding settlements that played an important role in the development of Valladolid. After all, it would be difficult to separate the history of Valladolid from the historical archives of Simancas, the monastery of St. Clare of Tordesillas, or the historic castles built on the hills of Montes Torozos, whose unique architectural style was named after Valladolid. (Valladolid School)

I started the Discover Valladolid project shortly after my arrival in Spain, with which I wanted to introduce this little-known region abroad to a wider audience. I published some of my photos on the social media pages of the project, but this was only a small slice of my work. In recent years, I have conducted countless interviews with locals, many of which I have published in the form of 10-15 minute reports. Through these interviews, I got to know an ambitious city proud of its traditions, where tradition coexists with development, and where -unlike many cities- the unique character of the city has been preserved.
I am extremely grateful to my previous interviewees for their selfless help. I owe one of my first reports to Virginia Oñaté, whose grandfather lived in perhaps the city's best-known apartment building and documented everyday life in Valladolid in the 20th century as an amateur photographer. in the first half of the century.
In Urueña, I got to know ethnographer and performer Joaquín Díaz, who hosted me for a day and showed me his foundation and folk art collection.
I also think with gratitude of Gilles Philippe Guzzi, the owner of the steamer Leyende del Pisuerga, who showed me a side of the city's river that I had not known before during a boat trip together.
It was a great honor for me to be able to film with Brother Eszter in the Monastery of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, who showed me the bakery run by the nuns and talked about the everyday life of the community and the challenges of modern times. This report later turned out to be particularly successful, it was presented by several media and generated about 50,000 visitors on the Discover Valladolid page alone.
During my work, I got to know the artists Andrés Trillo and Ana Nan, who presented their outdoor illustrations made in the framework of a local art program (CreaVa).
In recent years, I have prepared several reports on the spectacular processions of Valladolid Holy Week, the local religious communities, the India Cultural Center of Valladolid, the potters of Portillo, the asparagus growers of Tudela, and the chefs of Puerto Chico who have won several gastronomic awards. I made these reports at my own expense, which are still available to the public on the project's YouTube channel.
As a journalist, cultural, architectural and historical topics particularly attracted me, so I feel lucky that in 2015 I was able to research the historical aspects and social debate of the reconstruction of the Berliner Stadtschloss as a journalist on scholarship at the Freie Universität Berlin. In the course of my work, I interviewed several local politicians, architects and Berlin residents about this rather controversial reconstruction. I hope that in the future - by researching the reception of the since-completed building - I can continue this project.


My career as a journalist began in my hometown, at a local television station, from where I joined the RTL Club in 2004. The following 12 years played an extremely important role in his life. I was able to work in free and open conditions in the company of excellent colleagues who, with years of persistent work, created one of the most prepared professional workshops in Hungary. During my years at the television station, I participated in the production of the following programs as a reporter and editor-in-chief: Híradó (reporter, foreign policy editor), Reggeli Híradó (editor-in-charge), Fél Kettő (editor-in-charge), XXI. Century (reporter), Focus (reporter).